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Shipping costs are determined by your item's size and weight, your selected shipping method, and your delivery address.
In your shopping cart, we show your estimated shipping cost, based on the lowest price shipping method available. If you select a different shipping method or live outside of the contiguous United States, your actual shipping cost may be higher.
Each product on has an estimated processing time, which is given in business days. Processing times vary based on how your item is being shipped and where it is being fulfilled. Your full delivery time frame includes both processing time and the time your item is in transit.
Business days are Monday to Friday and do not include federal holidays within the United States
Tracking availability varies based on the types of items you purchased, your selected shipping method, and the carrier of your item. Please note, it may take up to 48 hours for a carrier to scan your order into its tracking system. This means your tracking number may not provide updates for up to 48 hours.
Occasionally packages may become lost in transit, delivered to an incorrect address, arrive in separate packages or left in a different location at your home.
If your order is past the estimated delivery date or has been marked as delivered but cannot be located, please contact us at 501- 663-4744 for assistance